For the Birds: Alphabet Art Book
ISBN: 978-1-7339106-6-8 Softcover
• 28 pages • 8.5 x 11 • $11.95, Paper Back First Printing: 2020, USA PAPER BACK: $11.95 EBOOK $5.99
DESCRIPTION: From Avocet to Zebra Finch, this book is an artistic visual guide through twenty-six species of birds following each letter of the alphabet. Each illustration is accompanied by a brief passage elaborating on their qualities. |
Birds Included and Available for Print
Birds Included: Avocet, Bald Eagle, Cinnamon Teal Duck, Diamond Fire Tail, Emperor Penguin, Fairy Fly Catcher, Gila Woodpecker, Hooded Parrot, Ibadan Malimbe, Jamacian Tody, Kookaburra, Lilac-Breasted, Roller, Mandarin Duck, Northern Pygmy Owl, Ornate Hawk Eagle, Puffin, Quetzal, Robin Red Breast, Shoebill Stork, Tufted Coquette Hummingbird, Ultramarine Grosbeak, Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Wilson’s Bird of Paradise, Xolmis Domincanos, Yellow Legged Gull, and Zebra Finch