ABC Life: Learning Coloring Book
ISBN: 978-1-7339106-5-1 Softcover
• 70 pages • 8.5 x 11 • $7.95, Paper Back Ages: 3-8 Years First Printing: 2019, USA PAPER BACK: $7.95 DESCRIPTION: ABC Sea Life is an easy to follow, yet all inclusive, coloring book that will help your child practice tracing letters as well as learn about and color unusual ocean animals. This book is a fun way to develop fine motor skills, |
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About ABC Sea Life
The coloring book, your child can practice tracing letters and color unusual ocean animals. Each letter will have one animal coloring page, two lines to practice writing, and a list of animal facts. The facts include (1) brief description, (2) size (3) location (4) diet (5) a unique fact.
Below are the animals and activities included.
Animals Included: Angel Fish, Blue Crab, Clownfish, Dumbo Octopus, Elephant Seal, Fangtooth Fish, Goblin Shark, Hourglass Dolphin , Immortal Jellyfish, Japanese Sea Horse, King Herring, Lobsters, Mantis Shrimp,
Napoleon Eel Snake, Ocellated Waspfish, Pufferfish, Quillfin Blenny, Red Lipped Batfish, Sea Sheep, Thornback Cowfish, Undulate Ray, Velvet Sea Star, Weedy Sea Dragon, Xantic Sargo, Yellow Tang, and Zebra Lionfish
Activities Included: ABC Worksheet-For each Letter, ABC Coloring Page, Practice-Your-Name Worksheet, Ocean Word Search, Tic-Tac-Toe, Dots and Boxes Games, Seashell Maze, Seashells Fun Worksheet, a World-Ocean Map, Draw-Your-Own-Ocean Worksheet, a Shadow Match Game, and a Same or Different Game.
Below are the animals and activities included.
Animals Included: Angel Fish, Blue Crab, Clownfish, Dumbo Octopus, Elephant Seal, Fangtooth Fish, Goblin Shark, Hourglass Dolphin , Immortal Jellyfish, Japanese Sea Horse, King Herring, Lobsters, Mantis Shrimp,
Napoleon Eel Snake, Ocellated Waspfish, Pufferfish, Quillfin Blenny, Red Lipped Batfish, Sea Sheep, Thornback Cowfish, Undulate Ray, Velvet Sea Star, Weedy Sea Dragon, Xantic Sargo, Yellow Tang, and Zebra Lionfish
Activities Included: ABC Worksheet-For each Letter, ABC Coloring Page, Practice-Your-Name Worksheet, Ocean Word Search, Tic-Tac-Toe, Dots and Boxes Games, Seashell Maze, Seashells Fun Worksheet, a World-Ocean Map, Draw-Your-Own-Ocean Worksheet, a Shadow Match Game, and a Same or Different Game.
This book was inspired by Animal Alphabets. A group who hosts a drawing challenge on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. They select an animal theme and each week they post an animal correlating with a letter. All participating artists do their rendition of the animal and post together on the same day.
This was my first experience with this challenge. I loved it. They found such amazing animals. So I found a way to share.
This was my first experience with this challenge. I loved it. They found such amazing animals. So I found a way to share.
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